Filters coming soon

Squad Name ▼ Created By Rating CP Cost RP Cost Formation Community
Cheapest Facebook Build Guest 84.5 1123M 876K 4-4-2 0
Cheap, fun and balanced Valkku 71.1 114.8M 46.7K 5-2-3 +1
Cheap team Guest 66.9 213M 155.3K 5-2-1-2 0
Cheap player Guest 76.1 265.5M 129.8K 4-3-3 (Holding) 0
Cheap n1&&4z Guest 70.7 134.5M 64.6K 4-4-2 0
Cheap meta Team Nonleague 78.6 370.5M 174K 4-3-3 (Attacking) +1
CHEAP INTER MILAN Guest 75.6 273.8M 134.7K 3-5-2 0
Cheap Giants PepegaMarc 66.5 60.4M 23K 4-2-4 0
Cheap Beasts (+ pass) Aporeturn 76.4 300.5M 170.6K 4-1-3-2 0
Cheap and Meta Guest 82.9 323.5M 178.8K 4-4-2 0
cheap and beast Guest 72.6 169.9M 75.9K 4-3-3 0
Cheap Guest 67 26.5M 12K 4-3-3 (Attacking) 0
CF 1999R 19KT Atletico DM 89.2 1073M 816K 4-1-2-1-2 (Wide) 0
Ceara SC luann97 74.7 546M 429.2K 4-2-3-1 (Wide) 0
cbr600rr cbr600rr6 79.8 622M 423.8K 4-3-3 0
CARMELOBENFAS Guest 79.6 512.5M 306K 4-4-1-1 (Midfield) 0
Carlitos Soccer Club Guest 80.5 679.5M 500.7K 4-2-3-1 (Wide) +1
Camutanga FC Guest 86.3 1412.5M 1.1M 4-3-3 0
Callum Sankey Guest 85.5 606M 418.5K 4-3-3 (Holding) 0
Cafeteros Tigrex_x 70.3 148.8M 66.3K 4-3-3 0
1 38 39 40 41 42 49